According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic dated December 17, 2019 on " Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, rates of import customs duties and rates of export customs duties" was amended. The Decision shall enter into force on 18 January 2020.
Tariff rates for the following sub-categories have been reduced from 15% to 0%:
1. 3206.11.000.0 Pigments and preparations made on the basis of titanium dioxide containing 80% or more of titanium dioxide in dry matter content;
2. 3402.11.900.0 Anionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not intended for retail sale, (other categories, except those containing aqueous solution containing 30% or more but not more than 50% alkyl dinatrium oxides (benzenesulfonate);
3. 3901.10.100.0 Plastic, linear polyethylene, with specific weight less than 0.94, in primary forms;
4. Products made of vinyl chloride polymers (plastic slab, sheet, film etc.) with plasticizers not less than 6% in 3920.43.100.0.
5. 4804.51.000.0 Other kraft-paper and kraft-cartons, weighing more than 150 g but less than 225 g - whitened
6. 5307.10.000.0 Spinning from single-sided textile phloem fibers.
7. 5402.53.000.0 Other bands with a deviation of more than 50 yards / m: Polypropylene
8. 5402.62.000.0 Other multiplicative (twisting) or single-threaded threads: Polyester
The above mentioned tariff rates (reduction in customs duties in Azerbaijan) will be valid for 2 years.
“0 (1000 kg 5 US $ *) in the tariff rate column” will be replaced with “0” for the subheadings below. That is, goods belonging to this sub-group will be calculated at 0 degrees;
1. 7202.11.200.0 Ferroalloys: ferromanganan containing more than 65% manganese in the form and content of pellets not exceeding 5 mm;
2. 7202.11.800.0 Ferroalloys: Other ferromanganese categories;
3. 7202.19.000.0 Ferroalloys: belonging to the other category of ferromanganese;
4. 7202.21.000.0 Ferrosilisium: containing more than 55% silicon;
5. 7202.29.100.0 Ferrosilisium: magnesium content of 4% or more, but not more than 10%;
6. 7202.29.900.0 Ferrosilisium: belonging to the other category;
7. 7202.30.000.0 Ferrosilisium: Ferrosilisiummangan;
8. 7202.41.100.0 Carbon content in ferrochrome exceeding 4%, but not more than 6%;
9. 7202.41.900.0 Ferrochrome containing more than 6
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