Employment Code of Azerbaijan: 2024 Labour Law Amendments

Employment Code of Azerbaijan: 2024 Labour Law Amendments

New rules in Labour LegislationEmployment Code of Azerbaijan: 2024 Labour Law Amendments  Several significant amendments have been made to the Labor Code o...

Aug 15, 2024 Caspian Legal Center
Update in the regulation of tobacco products

Update in the regulation of tobacco products

Update in the regulation of tobacco products A number of amendments have been made to the Laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan 'On Tobacco and Tobacco Pr...

Aug 11, 2024 Caspian Legal Center
Failure to make capital contribution will be penalized

Failure to make capital contribution will be penalized

Failure to make capital contribution will be penalized Until now, no specific legal implications of failure to make initial capital contribution were presc...

Jul 22, 2024 Caspian Legal Center
Update on the medical certificate procedures

Update on the medical certificate procedures

Update on the medical certificate procedures On amending Resolution No. 9 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 8, 1993 O...

May 07, 2024 Caspian Legal Center
Business trip rules in Azerbaijan: per diem rates (travel norms) updated

Business trip rules in Azerbaijan: per diem rates (travel norms) updated

Business trip rules in Azerbaijan: per diem rates (travel norms) updated Azerbaijan business trip rules regulate business travel allowances determined for ...

Apr 23, 2024 Caspian Legal Center
The law of the Republic of Azerbaijan On Public Procurement

The law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Public Procurement"

The law of the Republic of Azerbaijan On Public Procurement The new law “On Public Procurement” was adopted On July 14 2023. For the purposes of this artic...

Feb 07, 2024 Caspian Legal Center
Competition Law of Azerbaijan: New Competition Code 2024 adopted

Competition Law of Azerbaijan: New Competition Code 2024 adopted

Competition Law of Azerbaijan: New Competition Code 2024 adopted On 23 January 2024, Azerbaijani President promulgated a new Competition Code of the Republ...

Jan 28, 2024 Caspian Legal Center
Tax Code of Azerbaijan: 2024 Tax Code Amendments

Tax Code of Azerbaijan: 2024 Tax Code Amendments

 Tax Code of Azerbaijan Republic: 2024 Tax Code Amendments  Effective from 1 January 2024, significant amendments have been introduced into the Tax Code of...

Jan 04, 2024 Caspian Legal Center
Taxation of e-commerce in Azerbaijan: new regulations for non-residents

Taxation of e-commerce in Azerbaijan: new regulations for non-residents

Taxation of e-commerce in Azerbaijan: new regulations for non-residents Taxation of e-commerce As a general rule under the Tax Code of Azerbaijan, business...

Dec 12, 2023 Caspian Legal Center
Constitutional Court Interpreted the Concept of Labor Relations

Constitutional Court Interpreted the Concept of Labor Relations

Constitutional Court Interpreted the Concept of Labor Relations On October 20, 2023, the Plenum of the Constitutional Court adopted a decision to interpret...

Nov 22, 2023 Caspian Legal Center