Consulting companies in Azerbaijan | CLC Consulting Baku
Consulting companies in Azerbaijan | CLC Consulting Baku

Consulting companies in Azerbaijan: how consulting services operate in Azerbaijan?


Consulting companies are usually companies that provide various type of advisory and consulting services in different industries. Consulting companies in Azerbaijan have started to grow since early 2000s and now they operate in almost all industry areas. These services can include legal consulting, tax consulting, accounting services, business consulting, consulting services on safety, IT, technical advisory and other services.

Receiving advice from external companies on topics that require specific knowledge may in some cases be a requirement of the company's internal rules, in other cases it may be a practical necessity, or preferable due to "conflict of interest" concerns. 

Consulting companies mainly provide advice and recommendations based on the experience and specialized knowledge gained without providing guarantees for the results of their services.


However, we recommend that the following points be taken into account in agreeements with consulting companies in Azerbaijan:

- The exact scope of consulting services to be provided

- Issues not included in the scope of the services

- Results guaranteed by the consulting company

- Liability of the consulting company - the legal consequence of the wrong advice given intentionally or through gross negligence

- Requirements for persons to be involved in the provision of consulting services or list of their names

- Term of rendering services

- Professional liability insurance required from a consulting company

- List of involved experts/consultins from the consulting company

- Other general contract terms

Since the main contractual obligation of consulting companies is the provision of advice on the subject, in practice it is necessary to specify the guarantee for the occurrence of any result. In practice, losses resulting from incorrect advice are usually covered by obtaining professional liability insurance. In this case, it is recommended that the extent of the consulting company's professional liability and a detailed explanation of the insured event to be included in the contract. For this and similar reasons, it is recommended to obtain legal support in the selection of consulting companies and the conclusion of contracts with them.


Caspian Legal Center, as one of the top consulting companies in Azerbaijan, is ready to support you in the following issues:

- Legal advice and legal representation

- Legal and tax planning during business organization

- Tax consulting and dispute resolution

- Accounting services and organization of accounting

- Other required services in the field of legal and tax consulting

As a company with an international rating and extensive experience in the Azerbaijani market, you can entrust us with your services in this area:

Phone number: 050 289 89 73; Email address: [email protected]